
We believe that in order to be effective in our communities, 

we must first nurture and transform ourselves.

Creative Soul House workshops, events & programs are designed to cultivate strong community connections, increase social awareness & improve emotional health. We 



Tea Tales 

Tea Tales is a community event designed to promote intimacy, trust and connection between people.

Over a sweet assortment of teas and other relaxing essentials, people will be guided through conversations and activities that inspire deep reflection, create connection and build a network of caring peers to lean on through trials and triumph. 

The Body Tells The Story: Arts Wellness Session

This session engages participants' body awareness and uses storytelling as the avenue through which volume is given to the body's language. Participants will engage in re-memory and reflection to craft dialogue that stands true to what the body wishes to say.


A Creative Thursday: Writers Picnic

This one is for the thinkers and visionaries.

At the Writer's Picnic, we, like the authors pictured, are committed to answer the very questions we've been pondering. Our writing predecessors created new frames of thought. They bended, twisted and scrapped ideas to bridge their current worlds with the future world they imagine.

 SZNS & Cycles: Picnic Workshop

The SZNs & Cycles Workshop is about dealing with the changes in our lives. We'll share experiences, explore the challenges and find clarity on how to manage our transitions.

Black Art In The New Age: Writing Workshop

The Black Art In The New Age is a multi-week writing workshop that explores re-framing narratives that tell the full story of our lives. Concepts of truth-telling, joy, and multi-facetedness are uncovered to give way to storytelling that is liberating for the writer and the communities they write for. 

Divine Pressure: Picnic Workshop

In a time filled with distractions and competing obligations, we can feel very far from our purpose. We are called to step forward towards our purpose in different ways: through dreams, lessons and experiences, relationships, intuition, prayer. It varies.

The Divine Pressure Picnic Workshop explores the question: Are we ignoring the call or answering it?

Recurring People-Development Sessions

Restorative Justice Initiative: Educator Workshop Series

The Restorative Justice Initiative is a multi-week workshop series that explores community practices that educators can use to create brave, accountable spaces for collective healing and transformation. The workshop series guides community stakeholders in constructing and maintaining safe, accountable community spaces; to be proactive in their approaches to addressing community disruptions, and to align on practices and strategies that healthily transform their lives as humans, professionals and change agents in the communities they serve.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Series

Our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Series is a multi-week workshop series geared to assist in the development of accountable work spaces where adults feel respected, valued and safe. 

Who’s Coming To Save Us: 

A Community Wellness & Recovery Workshop

With society and our communities in a state of crisis, Who’s Coming To Save Us empowers participants to be vanguards for their community’s recovery. Participants devise new networks of care, leverage the skill sets of individuals in their shared spaces and collectively reimagine what a balanced, restored community necessitates to exist.

Power, Positionality & Practice: 

A Social Justice & Community Recovery Workshop

Through community discussion and writing, Power, Positionality & Practice guides participants in exploration of how their identities, passions and career practice can liberate them and others when uplifted and intersectionally at play. Participants re-examine the roles they can play to cultivate thriving ecosystems of social change, and are empowered to use their inherent and learned skills to do so within their personal lives and communities.

Individual & Collective Power:

Social Justice Session

Individual vs. Collective Power workshop engages participants’ understanding of their personal and social positionality. They are called to evaluate their personal power and privilege, re-evaluate their contributions to communal spaces and identify new, creative ways to be civically engaged in the spaces they exist in. Concepts explored include social responsibility and reciprocity.

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